Fun Facts About Linda and Tony Kerns- President/Vice President of Kerns Family Construction

My name is Savannah Farley & I took the time to sit down with Linda & Tony Kerns to gather some fun information about who they are and why they do what they do!

  1. When and where did you and Tony meet and get married?

     Tony and I met in July 1998 and married in December at the Tides Beach Club.  He worked for the building contractor and I worked for the real estate developer.  We got married at the Chapel by the Sea and had our wedding reception where we met, The Tides Beach Club.

  2. When did you start all of this (Construction)? Why Historical?

Tony and I have been in the real estate business most of our lives.  Historical renovations are a labor of love.  The way you breathe new life into something old is indescribable!

3. You’re a family business, can you elaborate on that a little?

My family is the core of who I am.  My parents have been our biggest cheerleaders in all that we have done in our life and this venture was no different.  We do everything together and this business keeps my folks young and involved!  Knowing we can make a difference in a community is our driving force.

4. Why did you choose Zephyrhills?  

We fell in love with the charming feel of the community  and we wanted to be a part of making it relevant again.  We were focused on buying and renovating as a family when the City recommended we come into the City and meet the CRA Director.  As we renovate, we don’t cut corners, we do what is necessary, irrespective of what it may do to the bottom line.  The City took note.  We don’t put lipstick on a pig, and we have been working within the City ever since.

5. Favorite part of the job as a whole?

Seeing the contagiousness of renovations with the surrounding neighbors!

6. Do you have any pets?

We currently have 6 Golden Retrievers! Their names are Whiskey, Pride, Hope, Mac, Darla, and Chase.  When our daughter Hailey was 5 we were chosen to re home Lexie, a Golden Retriever.  She was attached to our daughter at the hip, we haven’t ever seen anything like it before, the connection was amazing.  We knew she wouldn’t be with us forever, so our friend, Sue, a veterinarian, suggested we breed Lexie with her Mom’s Golden named Jasper.  He had the exact personality that Lexie had and so she had an unexpected litter of 12….we lost one shortly after birth but the remaining 11 lived with us until they were about 6 months old.  All were re homed with the exception of these 6.

7. Any Hobbies?

We love our home, land and our animals.  Wish we had more time to enjoy our horses!